Gollum's Unexpected Role - A Twist in the Journey

One of the most intriguing and complex characters in J.R.R. Tolkien's legendary Middle-earth saga is the character known as Gollum. A question that often arises among readers and viewers alike is why Gollum guided Frodo to Mordor instead of directly taking the ring for himself. This query is intertwined with the character's complex psychological makeup and the power of the One Ring.

Peeking into Gollum's Two-Faced Nature: A Tale of Two Hobbits 🎭

Gollum was once a hobbit-like creature named Sméagol, who was corrupted by the Ring's influence. He developed a split personality: "Gollum," the dark, possessive side, and "Sméagol," the original, more benign persona. This internal conflict explains much of Gollum's behavior throughout the narrative.

Understanding Gollum's Character

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When Frodo and Sam encounter Gollum in their journey, Gollum promises to guide them to Mordor. This promise is made by Sméagol, who genuinely wants to help them. However, Gollum's desire for the Ring is still strong, and he hopes that by staying close to Frodo, an opportunity to reclaim the Ring will present itself.

Unraveling the One Ring's Hold on Gollum: Is It Just a Piece of Jewelry? 💍

It's also important to note the power the One Ring has over Gollum. The Ring's influence is so strong that it prevents Gollum from directly taking the Ring from Frodo. It's as if the Ring itself has a will, and it chooses its bearer. In the case of Frodo, the Ring chooses him as its temporary master until it can return to its true master, Sauron.

Gollum's Cunning Plan: A Spider, Two Hobbits, and a Ring 🕷️

Gollum's plan is to lead Frodo and Sam into the lair of the giant spider Shelob, hoping that she will kill them and he can then retrieve the Ring from their remains. This plan shows Gollum's cunning and deceptive nature, which are characteristics enhanced by the Ring's corruption.

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However, Gollum's plan backfires, and he ends up leading Frodo to the very place where the Ring can be destroyed. In a twist of irony, Gollum, driven by his obsession for the Ring, becomes instrumental in its destruction.

Wrapping Up the Mordor Journey: Gollum's Role Revisited 🗺️

In summary, Gollum guides Frodo to Mordor due to his split personality, the power of the One Ring, and his strategy of deception. Understanding Gollum's role in the narrative provides a deeper insight into the complexities of the Hobbit characters and the intricate plot of the saga.

We have explored the reasons why Gollum guides Frodo to Mordor. Now, let's delve deeper into some frequently asked questions about Gollum and Frodo's journey:

Unraveling Gollum's Intricate Role in Frodo's Journey

Who was Gollum before he was corrupted by the Ring?
Gollum was once a hobbit-like creature named Sméagol. He was corrupted by the One Ring's influence, which led to the development of his split personality. This transformation is a key aspect of his character and plays a significant role in his actions throughout the saga.
Why did Gollum promise to guide Frodo and Sam to Mordor?
Gollum, under the influence of his Sméagol personality, promised to guide Frodo and Sam to Mordor. This promise was part of his strategy of deception, as he planned to lead them into the lair of the giant spider Shelob, hoping she would kill them so he could reclaim the Ring.
How does the One Ring influence Gollum's actions?
The One Ring has a powerful influence over Gollum. It's so strong that it prevents Gollum from directly taking the Ring from Frodo. Instead, it drives him to devise a plan to reclaim the Ring indirectly, demonstrating the Ring's manipulative power.
What was the outcome of Gollum's plan?
Gollum's plan backfired. Instead of leading Frodo and Sam to their deaths, he inadvertently led Frodo to the very place where the Ring could be destroyed. This twist of fate is a testament to the unpredictable nature of the saga's plot.

With these insights, we hope you have a better understanding of Gollum's complex character and his role in Frodo's journey. For more detailed discussions on other intriguing aspects of the Hobbit series, feel free to explore our other articles.

For more detailed discussions on other intriguing aspects of the Hobbit series, feel free to explore our other articles.

Ezekiel Volkman
Hobbit architecture, Hobbit houses, Design and construction

Ezekiel Volkman is a prolific writer with a deep passion for the architectural nuances of Hobbit dwellings. His articles offer an intriguing exploration of the unique design elements and construction techniques that make these quaint homes so compelling. Ezekiel's writing manages to educate while keeping his readers engaged.